Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Shirtless Against Breast Cancer 2010 Calendar

October is Recognized as Breast Cancer Awareness Month in America, and back in July 2008, the staff of the Consulate was knocking about fund raising/awareness ideas, and the idea for a calendar came up. During the discussion, a Shirtless O'clock reference was made, and one thing led to another... and this is the reason why you do not want to miss a General Staff Call - they are almost as interesting as Steelhead Town Meetings.

The shots not selected for the calendars will be included in the 2010 book, and your inclusion in either depends on the submission fitting the technical requirements:
1) Submissions should be 2048 x 2048 SQUARE PNGs.
2) Submissions are to be e-mailed to not sent in-world.
3) Please keep the composition TASTEFUL - Art, not smut, please.
4) No Minors. Diminutive adults, fine - but we wish to stay legal with this. Legal-age avatars only for values of the American legal system (18 years old or older), no exceptions, not even for time travellers.
5) Submissions are to be sent to Annechen Lowey BEFORE 1800 SLT on 1 September 2009. Late Submissions will not be considered.

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