Two different cover options, but the same interiors, available from the vendors at all Consulate offices, in addition to Piermont Landing, Ruby's Pub, Ruby's II, Lotus of the Sea Gallery and CocoaJava Cafe in New Babbage, Steampunk Adventures in Winterfell, Tricia Aferdita Gallery and Exposure Gallery in Tabula rasa, Designing Worlds studio in Northpoint, Oliveto, the Primgraph offices in Caledon Glengarry, Velvel's Emporium in Steelhead Shanghai, Regent Theatre, Pneumatic Revolution Lounge, StratoGear Station and Steelbucks in Steeltopia, Ironhound Train Station in Steeltopia Anchorage and the Victoriana Harbour train station.
The book is L$750, with all proceeds going to breastcancer.org, and will be available until August.